Privacy Policy


At bLink (collectively " bLink ," " we ," " us ," or " our"), we are strongly committed to transparency, and we want you (" you" or " your") to understand how we collect, use, share and protect your information. This Privacy Policy (" Privacy Policy") describes how we handles information in connection with our service. Please also read our User Agreement which sets out the terms governing the Services. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time.


About Personal Information.

Personal Information refers to any information that enables one to identify individual customers, and this includes, your name, and other pieces of information that are tied to your identifying information such as address, phone number, account information (email address, password, etc), credit card, nickname, family information, age, and other personal characteristics, and in case you used social sign-in, such as Facebook Connect with you ID and password, the information that are provided by the social sign-in service about the customer such as Facebook ID, date of birth, gender, profile photos, friends that are tied to the social sign-in, and other information that are registered at the social sign-in service.


About usage information

Usage information refers to the following information.

-The information about your usage of our service, the date of usage, number of usages, behavioral usage information such as usage history and situations.

- User location information

- Other information you transmitted through our service, such as evaluation, comments, photos.

-Your payment related information


Information acquisition

We may acquire personal information and usage information (hereafter, the acquired information) in the following methods. Through your transmitting information via our service, email, postal service, or via any documents. We may collect the history of usage when you use our service, and this includes URL, browsers, types of cellphones, IP addresses, and locations. If you use a social sign-in, such as Facebook Connect, we my collect your information that is provided by the social sign in.


Management of acquired information

We will securely manage the acquired information, and will diligently work to prevent inappropriate or illegal access, information losses, leaks, and alteration. Personal information and usage information are kept in two separate data sets, and the merging of the two data sets can be done only with special digital key. This will minimize the damage in case there is an  illegal or inappropriate access, or a leakage.  


The use of the acquired information.

We will use the acquired information for the following purpose.

-      To provide users with information related to our service

-      To operate our service

-      To simplify the procedure for users to input information

-      When user apply for our periodical news letters, or any similar services, we use it to verify such application, and to send emails.

-      To verify the user’s purchases, and to send the purchased materials.

-      To send invoices, payments, and their verifications

-      To send out gifts for participating in surveys

-      To send out gifts for prize contests

-      To analyze the usage of our service

-      To improve our service, or to develop a new service. We may process the data so that individuals cannot be identified, and then may use the data, by ourselves or by the use of a third party, for research, marketing, or other business related purposes.

-      To customize our service for users’ needs

-      To analyze customer satisfaction

-      To aggregated data and disseminate the results as part of a research.

-      To notify new information about our service.

-      To invite customers for events or to ask users to participate in surveys, and to notify the results

-      To resolve disputes, troubles, or problems related to our services.


Disclosure of acquired information

We may disclose the acquired information to a third party in the following situations

-      We will provide the bike owners (or an appropriate third party that manages the bikes) the acquired information necessary to rent out bikes, for example, the date of the usage, or the payments that users made. However, we will not disclose personal information to the bike owners or the appropriate third party that manages the bikes, except for dispute resolution, protecting a third party’s rights or welfare.

-      In situations where we judge necessary to provide our services, for example the comments or evaluation that users leave after the use of service. The user who received the disclosed information about other users should use only for the purpose stipulated in our user agreement, and cannot disclose the information to another third party. The information we judged necessary to disclose will remain disclosed for the duration that we deem necessary.

-      In situation where we judged necessary to keep providing service.

-      When it is necessary to disclose information for the third party, for example, to dispatch product or a service, when using the third party payment system, when outsourcing the customer service or any related services.

-      When we are required to provide information by public organizations based on laws or related regulations.

-      When we judge necessary to provide information, for example, to resolve dispute, or to protect our users’ rights or welfare, or to protect a third party’s rights or welfare.

-      When we analyze the usage of our service and when we deem necessary to commission such tasks to a third party.

-      Within the purpose of providing our service, and when we deem it necessary to commission the handling of the part or the whole of the acquired information to a third party.

-      To send advertisement, we may provide the acquired information to a third party upon obtaining the permission of the users.


The Use of Cookies

-      Cookies information alone cannot identify individuals

-      When cookie are combined with personal information, we consider them as personal information.

-      Users can allow or disallow cookie usage

-      Many web browsers will automatically allow cookies, but users can change the setting of the browsers to disallow cookies

-      When cookies are disallowed, it may or may not affect the usage of our service or advertisement display.

-      We may automatically receive the cookie information, viewed advertisement, viewed pages, users’ usage environment information and so on, and may store them on our server, and may use them for the purpose of making email or other information inputting more convenient, for the purpose of keeping, protecting and securing sessions, or for the consideration of new service, or for the purpose of individually curating the contents of advertisements.


Google Analytics

To analyze the service usage, we may use Google Anlaytics, provided by Google Inc. For the personal information policy of Google Analytics, please refer to the following sites.

Google analytics use cookies and other sources of information to analyze customers’ usage information. If you wish your data not to be used by Google Analytics, please use Goolge Analytics Opt-out ad-ons,


The usage log information

We may collect information that is generated automatically upon visiting our services, such as IP addresses, type of browsers, languages and so on. We will use such log information to analyze the user environment for the purpose of providing better services, and to prevent inappropriate or illegal usage of our services. Search logs will be stored in a way the person cannot be identified, and may be used for the purpose of statistical analysis.


Device information

We may collect the device information such as device identifier. This information will be used to improve our service or to prevent inappropriate or illegal usage of our services.


Alteration of personal information

We may alter a part of personal information such as prefecture, city, village, postal number, the name of financial service, or the expiration date of the credit card when it is necessary to send our products or invoices.


Management and security of the acquired information

We will store the acquired information in a secure location where general users cannot access, and will manage diligently to prevent inappropriate or illegal access, losses, destruction, alteration or leaks.  


Disclaimer and precautions

-      We will not be liable for the protection of personal information that the third party may acquire from websites that may be tied to our service.

-      When you view any websites that may be tied to our service, please check the website carefully before viewing them.

-      When users are damaged due to hacking or any inappropriate or illegal third party activities, we will not be liable for the damages.

-      Please keep your password and other personal information in a secure place, and manage carefully.


The personal information of minors

If the user is a minor, her or his parents, or guardians, will have to agree to this privacy policy.


Access from abroad and other precautions

If you are in a country where the operation of this service is not appropriate or illegal, please refrain from accessing to our service. We will continuously improve our privacy policies. When you access to our service, please check our latest privacy policies. The access to or the use of our service will indicate that users have agreed to the latest privacy policy.


The procedure for disclosure, alteration, stoppage of the usage of personal information

Based on Kojin Joho Hogo Hou (Act on the Protection of Personal Information), you are entitled to request the disclosure of, alteration of, or the stoppage of the usage of personal information.


Enquiry about privacy policy

To enquire about our privacy policy, please contact us at